Rising sea levels and misplaced towers for wind power
Many houses directly on the beach have already been swept away and had to be abandoned. The rising water temperature is causing lobster and fish stocks to decline.
Prainha village is set also in the middle of a huge wind farm, the largest in Brazil, covering the entire coast in the state of Ceará which is known for corruption in obtaining “blue environmental money”. Some of the towers are not even connected to the grid or are poorly maintained.
Wrongly placed towers accelerate the shifting of the dunes in Prainha, which blanket the local houses with sand. The rumour persists that offshore wind towers for Europeans are being built off the marine reserve.
The struggle for front row on the beach by some family clans who were bribed by the oligarch Tales, has unfortunately come to a macabre and bleak end; their homes and guest houses were already devoured by the sea a few years back; they have lost everything.
Within a few years another present-day beachfront will be swallowed up by the sea, and the residents with houses today in the second, third and fourth row will gradually become the ones positioned in front!