Sandra Weiss, Mexico
Journalist/ Photographer
Sandra is a former diplomat and political scientist (Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris) who undertook an internship at afp. There, she worked for four years as a CvD at the foreign desk in Bonn and Berlin and also reported from Brussels. Since 1999 she has worked as a freelance correspondent in Latin America for Die Zeit, Tagespiegel, Badische Zeitung, Le Monde Diplomatique, the Swiss Broadcasting SRF, Deutsche Welle as well as other news outlets.
Politics and the environment are Sandras areas of specialization.
In 2010 she was nominated for the media award for independent journalism for her report on land theft on behalf of Oeko Palm Oil in Colombia; in 2015, she was nominated for the freelance Kurt-Schork-Award for international reporting for stories from Mexico, Guatemala and Peru. In 2023, she received the Constructive World Award for the report Syntropy instead of Monotony - New Ways in Agriculture.
Since 2014 she has experimented with multimedia narrative formats. Her first multimedia production "Haiti, Resurrected as a Ruin“, jointly produced with photographer Florian Kopp, was nominated for the Grimme Online Award in 2015.
Scientific contributions on the theme of violence were also published in the Yearbook for Public Safety (2017), in the Latin American Yearbook (no. 24) and in „La ilusión del buen gobierno, 2004“ published by UNESCO. For many years she has done the concept development for Latin America, for the NGO “Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung“ (‚Study circle for Tourism and Development‘, a political travel magazine).
In 2017 she published the eBook "Venezuela-Chroniken einer gescheiterten Revolution“ (‚Venezuelan Chronicals of a Failed Revolution‘).
The investigative reports on the Guaraní were a special challenge for her. "For this, you have to put aside any time pressure and let yourself enter another world entirely, one in which your own values are questioned.
Charlotte Eichhorn, Switzerland
During the last 20 years Charlotte has self-financed, produced, written, filmed and edited nearly 20 documentaries on human rights, the environment and women’s issues; the short versions have all been sold and aired on the cultural 3sat-TV for German Languages (ZDF, Swiss TV, ORF). Charlotte has spent over 30 years travelling the world as an independent investigative reporter.

Charlotte started in photography, doing an internship as one of the first camerawomen in the 1970‘s at Swiss TV; she then studied cinematography at the AFI, and attended several workshops in Journalism and Filmmaking, including one with the late Polish director Krzystof Kieslowski. She has taught at several art schools and regularly presents her documentaries at German-speaking universities.
Starting as a freelance camerawoman, she later produced, wrote, filmed and edited everything from children’s and women’s news to scientific programs and documentaries, mainly in third-world countries and even war zones, then offered these to the European-based German-language Cultural TV Station 3sat and Swiss TV.
Over the years she won several awards for her documentaries, and attended Film-Festivals all over the world.
After a battle with cancer over two decades ago, she left the professional “rat-race” and dedicated herself to documentaries, at the same time teaching video skills to young people in traditional and indigenous communities, enabling them to use the medium to fight for their own social and political rights via the internet.
Sandra Weiss as well as Charlotte Eichhorn has been documenting this slow death of a people for years.

© 2022 Charlotte Eichhorn and Sandra Weiss
All rights reserved
This multimedia production, including all parts, is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without consent of the authors, resold or given away
Translation / Subtitles by Claire Pattison Valente: cpatvalente@gmail.com